Monday 11 December 2023



Spiritual Laws and the Kingdom of God 

The spiritual world is the kingdom of God, governed by spiritual laws. The natural world is the kingdom of men governed by natural laws. The laws of the spiritual world are different from the laws of the natural world. For example, in Zimbabwe we have a rule of driving on the left side of the road, but in USA the rule is to drive on the right side. You cannot insist on driving to the left in USA because you are a Zimbabwean. You will either be arrested or die in an accident. Human opinion does not change the law. In the natural world, the law of gravity affects you regardless of your beliefs. If you don't believe in gravity as a church and decide to jump off a cliff, you will fall down flat and die with your 'anti-gravity' doctrine and beliefs. When the Bible says that the Old Testament Law was abolished, it refers to the law of Moses given to Israel. It does not apply to the spiritual laws that govern the kingdom of God. The spiritual world though invisible, is more real than the natural world though visible. Reality is not based on sight. It is based on Truth. The fact that you don't see something doesn't make it untrue. The visible natural world (creation) came out of the invisible spiritual world (God the Creator). The spiritual world contains the natural world, in an invisible form. The spiritual world is the foundation of the natural world. Trees need to stay rooted to their foundation of the soil from which they came to survive. Birds need to stay in their foundation of air from which they were made to survive. Fish need to stay in the foundation of water, out of which they came to survive. And man needs to be grounded in the foundation of God's spiritual kingdom out of which he came to survive!

Psalms 90:1-2 (LITV) says, "A Prayer of Moses, the Man of God. O Lord, You have been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were born, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting You are God."

The spiritual world or heavenly kingdom with its spiritual laws, rules over the natural and earthly kingdom with its natural laws. 

Job 38:33 (NET) says, "Do you know the laws of the heavens, or can you set up their rule over the earth?"

Matthew 6:9-10 (NET) says, "So pray this way: Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

To succeed in this life, man needs to know how to navigate in the spiritual world by applying God's spiritual laws, and use them to establish God's will on earth. One of the most basic and important laws of the spiritual kingdom is the law of the covenant.

What is a Covenant?

In the Old Testament, a covenant is referred to as "berit" in Hebrew. It is a binding agreement or promise between God and His people, often involving mutual obligations and commitments. In the Greek New Testament, the term used for covenant is "diathΔ“kΔ“." It describes the relationship between God and His people, through the new covenant. Jesus introduced the concept of a new covenant during the Last Supper when He spoke of His blood being shed for the forgiveness of sins. This idea is further developed by the Apostle Paul in his writings, linking the new covenant to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word "covenant" has its roots in the Latin "convenire," meaning "to come together" or "to agree." It can be traced back to the Latin phrase "com venire," which implies the act of coming together with others to form an agreement or pact. This Latin root reflects the idea of two or more parties uniting and making a mutual commitment. In the English dictionary, a covenant is defined as a formal, binding agreement or contract between two parties. It often involves a set of conditions, promises, or obligations that need to be fulfilled by both parties. The concept of covenant can be applied in various contexts beyond the spiritual realm, such as legal contracts, business agreements, or social compacts.

Covenants were central to the relationship between God and the human race throughout history, and were foundational to the salvation of mankind. It is impossible to establish an idea of the spiritual world on earth without a covenant! All of God's promises and prophecies to the human race are fulfilled in the context of a covenant! For the human race to biologically multiply and fill the earth as God declared in Genesis, He had to establish the marriage covenant! The Old Testament records various covenants God made with individuals or with the whole nation of Israel. Let's briefly look at the seven major covenants by which God has established His will on earth throughout history...


1. The Pre-fall Adamic Covenant


》It was a covenant of creation, establishing the relationship between God and humanity in the Garden of Eden. 

》It emphasized the dominion and stewardship of Adam and Eve over creation.


》To provide a perfect environment for humanity to dwell in harmony with God and creation, with the condition of obedience to God's command regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

2. The After-Fall Adamic Covenant


》It was a covenant made after the first sin, pronouncing the consequences of sin and the promise of redemption through the offspring of Eve.


》To show the effects of sin and its consequences while also revealing the promise of a future Redeemer who would conquer sin and restore humanity's relationship with God.

3. The Noahic Covenant


》It was made with Noah and his descendants after the flood. It involved the establishment of a rainbow as a sign of the covenant and the promise of never again destroying the earth by a flood.


》To provide assurance of God's faithfulness and mercy, preserving humanity and the earth, despite the wickedness of humanity. 

》It also emphasized the sanctity of human life.

4. The Abrahamic Covenant


》It was made with Abraham and his descendants, promising land, numerous descendants, and blessings to all nations through his offspring.


》To establish a chosen people, the Israelites, through whom God's redemptive plan for all humanity would unfold. 

》It emphasized faith, obedience, and the promise of a Messiah.

5. The Mosaic Covenant


》It was made at Mount Sinai and involved God giving the Israelites the Law, including the Ten Commandments and various regulations for worship, social justice, and moral conduct.


》To reveal the holiness and righteousness of God, to teach the Israelites how to live in obedience to God's commands, and to illustrate the need for a Savior due to humanity's inability to perfectly keep the law.

6. The Davidic Covenant


》It was made with King David, promising an eternal kingdom and a descendant who would establish an everlasting throne.


》To establish the lineage of the Messiah, with Jesus Christ being the fulfillment of this covenant. It highlighted the promise of a future King who would reign in righteousness and bring salvation.

7. The New Covenant


》It was established through Jesus' sacrificial death and resurrection. 

》It offers forgiveness of sins, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and a restored relationship with God.


》To provide a way for humanity to be reconciled with God, through faith in Jesus Christ. 

》It fulfills and surpasses the previous covenants, offering salvation to all who believe, regardless of nationality or heritage.

These covenants demonstrate God's faithfulness, His redemptive plan, and His desire for a relationship with humanity. Each covenant builds upon the previous ones, culminating in the New Covenant, which brings ultimate reconciliation and salvation through Jesus Christ.


The Bible is a legal document brings freedom by grace and truth.  Just think about it... πŸ€” 

God needed to make a covenant of promise with Abraham hundreds of years before Christ, so that the coming of Christ on earth would be legal! But here is the problem... Christians are the most foolish people on earth who live religiously without paying attention to the law of the covenant, while unbelievers do everything to observe the guiding principles of their covenant with Satan. Christians have the Person of Jesus Christ, but ignore His Principles. Unbelievers follow the Principles of Jesus Christ but reject His Person. The Person of Jesus Christ without the Principles leads to the best life forever (eternal life) while suffering now! The Principles of Jesus Christ without His Person leads to the best life now and suffering forever πŸ’”. But having the Person of Jesus Christ and obeying His Principles leads to the best life now and forever! Whenever the devil wants to attack a Christian and rob him of his blessings, he just needs to take him out of alignment with the covenant that established the blessing. That is why you see that great ministers of the gospel are attacked in their marriage covenant, and the ministry collapses. Unbelievers do not dare to start a business or even sow maize in a field without anchoring their work in the spiritual world through a covenant with a spirit, but Christians just go about their business and even forget their God. Moslems are more successful in business because they are faithful to their covenants. They shut their businesses when it's time for prayer or spiritual activities, but Christians miss church for deals πŸ˜ͺ. The law of the covenant works with TOTAL COMMITTMENT AND DEVOTION! Unbelieving Africans will not change their witchdoctor when they get promoted in their work because they understand covenant, but Christians change churches and pastors as soon as they get better jobs because they are not covenanted to their churches and pastors. Brothers and sisters in the Lord, Christianity is a covenanted life, and ministry is a covenant relationship.  It doesn't matter what your doctrinal belief is, the law of the covenant is affecting you. In examining the nature of ministry as a covenant between the pastor as a priest (Moses), the leaders as intercessors/prayer partners for the pastor (Aaron and Hur), and the members as the givers/financial partners, we can find relevant references in the Bible. Let's explore its distinct characteristics and purposes: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

1. Moses as the Lead Pastor/Priest

Moses served as a spiritual leader, intercessor, and mediator between God and the Israelites. He received divine instructions, performed miracles, and taught the people God's commands. And Moses' role was to guide, teach, and lead the people of Israel in their relationship with God. He represented God's presence and authority among them.

Ref: Exodus 3-4; Exodus 33:7-11; Numbers 12:6-8; Deuteronomy 34:10-12

2. Aaron and Hur as Associate Pastors and Prayer Partners

Aaron and Hur were chosen by God to assist Moses in his ministry. They provided support, encouragement, and intercessory prayer for Moses during challenging times. Their role was to uphold Moses' hands in prayer as he interceded for the people. They symbolize the importance of intercessory support and unity within the body of believers.

Ref: Exodus 17:8-13

3. Members as Financial Partners

The members of the community were called to contribute their resources, including finances, to support the work of the ministry. This included offerings, tithes, and contributions for the construction of the Tabernacle and its services. The members' financial partnership enabled the fulfillment of God's purposes, the maintenance of the priesthood, and the provision for the needs of the community. While the New Testament teaches a different mode of giving based on grace which works through faith, the underlying principle of partnership in covenant is the same. 

Ref: Exodus 35:4-9; Numbers 18:21-24; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

How The Model Works 

This is the apostolic model for the church of Jesus Christ, and if you don't see yourself playing any role there, you are living as a spiritual orphan. Spiritual covering for sons and daughters in an apostolic house comes within the context of the ministry covenant. Success in ministry is not the result of a powerful Pastor. If Moses' hands are not lifted up in intercession by covenant prayer partners he will get tired and the church will lose the battle for souls. Success in ministry is not the result of a powerful Pastor. If Moses' hands are not lifted up in intercession by covenant prayer partners he will get tired and the church will lose the battle for souls. Success is not because of Joshua and his army of business people fighting with the Amelikites of poverty in the marketplace. If Moses does not provide the necessary spiritual covering through teaching and prayer, the financial partners will lose the battle in business. Success is not because of the powerful intercessory support of Aaron and Hur either because if Joshua and Amalek leave the battlefront, they will starve and fail to lift up their own hands in support of Moses, and they most likely will leave their prayer posts to feed themselves! Success in ministry is the result of COVENANTAL TEAMWORK and PARTNERSHIP!  I love Joshua. He did not complain to Moses, saying, "You are a lazy pastor who is scared of fighting with the Amelikites and you want me to do it for you while doing nothing. All you want is our hard earned money!" That would have been the end of the covenant relationship. If Moses had left his post upon the mountain of the ministry of prayer and of the Word to join Joshua in the marketplace, Israel would lose the battle as there would have been no one to provide spiritual covering! The same if Aaron and Hur (Moses' associate pastors) had left their prayer posts to do business like Joshua and the soldiers, the battle would have been lost! Many of us have received powerful and true prophetic promises through God's servants, but they are not coming to pass because we have not taken our place within the context of the ministry covenant! Joshua's job is not up on the mountain, but down in the valley fighting Amalek. If Joshua leaves his post and fails to support the ministry of Moses covering him, Moses will tire, and the Amelikites will take over business in the marketplace. When the call for prophetic ministry, impartation and deliverance comes, the responses in church are many, but when the call to support the ministering prophet comes, the responses are minimal. God can not be mocked, what you sow on the covenant altar is what you reap on the platform of your life. The law of the covenant works with the principle of AGREEMENT. 

Matthew 18:19-20 (LITV) says, "Again I say to you, If two of you agree on earth as to anything, whatever they shall ask, it shall be to them from My Father in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst."

Follow the covenant of the apostolic house that God planted you in. It doesn't matter if you are scripturally correct or not, if you are in a church that believes and practices tithing. If you don't tithe there you will struggle because you are breaching their ministry covenant. If you are in a ministry that doesn't believe in tithing, and you insist on tithing. You are throwing your money away for nothing, because it's against their ministry covenant. The law of covenant bypasses doctrinal alignment by the principle of agreement 🀝.  You may think that you are prosperous but you have no idea that there is a financial limitation established by a demonic covenant and altar in your family. You need to tap into the grace of the New Covenant in Christ Jesus by partnering with the ministry that He is using to nourish you spiritually

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