Wednesday 15 May 2024




Besides the male and female types of spiritual spouses we saw in the previous teaching, there are different types or groups of spiritual spouses based on their manner of operation. 

Mysterious Spiritual Spouse

First is the mysterious spiritual spouse. In this case after the demon has had sexual intercourse with its victim, the victim will wake up and not remember anything that happened in the dream.

Some people in the church sadly reject the existence and operation of spiritual spouses just because they don't have knowledge about them. 

The problem with ignorance is that it does not exempt its possessor from facing the danger of what he does not know. Rather, ignorance gets people destroyed. 

Hosea 4:6 (LITV) says, "My people are cut off for lack of knowledge. Because you rejected the knowledge, I also rejected you from being priest to Me. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I will forget your sons, even I."

The fact that you don't know about spiritual spouses does not mean that you are free from them and their evil. A person who is aware of their existence is better off than the one who doesn't. 

Knowledge of the cause of your challenges is half solving the problem. Pray that God will expose every hidden enemy in your life. 

Partially known Spiritual Spouse

Again, there is the partially known spiritual spouse. This type of spiritual spouse appears to its victims using the face of the victim’s actual wife or husband. 

You may think that it is your physical spouse that is appearing to you, if you are ignorant of the scriptures. 

Demons use the face of your late relatives or loved ones as a disguise, so that you trust and accept them. No wonder we should not talk to the dead.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (LITV) says, "There shall not be found in you one who passes his son or his daughter through the fire, one that uses divination, an observer of clouds, or one divining, or a whisperer of spells, or a magic charmer, or one consulting mediums, or a spirit-knower, or one inquiring of the deadFor all doing these things are an abomination to Jehovah. And because of these filthy acts Jehovah your God is dispossessing these nations before you."

Deceptive Spiritual Spouse

The third type is a deceptive spiritual spouse. This demon comes with different faces or uses the faces of different people to sleep with their victims. 

You might think those people are the ones doing the act and start avoiding them, if you are ignorant.

Known Spiritual Spouse 

The fourth type is the known spiritual spouse. This demon is normally one that came through a known spiritual covenant established by the ministry of a demonic priest at an evil altar. 

Usually when people approach spiritualists and false prophets seeking help with problems such as child bearing challenges or problems in marital relationships, they are ushered into contracts with evil spirits some of which will claim them or their children as spouses. 

Marriages established through such means often produce very naughty children who can not be married to human beings, as they are married to demonic spirits from birth. 


Sexual relationships or marriage ceremony in dreams

Constant wet dreams, dreaming of having intimate relations with an unknown person or being raped and sexually molested is a sign of the presence of a spiritual spouse in your life. 

Missing one’s menstrual period or pregnancy in a dream maybe a sign that you have been impregnated by a demon. 

If you dreamed of yourself being wedded to someone whose face you did not see, there is a spiritual spouse in your life. 

An evil marriage covenant was established with the spirit spouse and you cannot be free until that marriage is destroyed. 

Shopping or doing house cores with a member of the opposite sex in the dream proves the existence of a marriage covenant with a spiritual spouse. 

Seeing a member of the opposite gender sleeping by one’s side in a dream is another proof.

Delayed marriage or no marriage at all

Where there is a spiritual spouse and covenant, you will find it difficult to get married in the natural and the demon will stop you from getting your marital blessings. 

If, for instance, you get married, you may have a great difficulty in having children. 

A spiritual spouse can cause one who is married to hate or be hated by their actual spouse. 

A woman possessed by a marital demon may overreact in anger against her actual husband and switch to a male authoritative voice and tone when speaking. 

A man with a marital demon may become too touchy emotionally and raise his voice speaking with the tone of a woman. 

Hatred of marriage and members of the opposite gender 

Unnatural hatred for the institution of marriage most often is as a result of the presence of a spiritual spouse. 

Some spiritual spouses come with a belief system and mindset that is opposed to the biblical concept of marriage so that they may fence their victim and keep him or her to themselves. 

Some people develop strong hatred for members of the opposite gender only in the context of marriage.

This is often linked with a past traumatic experience of betrayal which may have been inspired by a spiritual spouse in their own lives. 

Being rejected by seriously committed partners and recurring patterns of rejection 

Everyone in life experiences rejection at some point in relationships. 

But when the rejection is from a person who was committed to you and serious about settling down, it may be true that there is a spiritual spouse working against you. 

This is almost certainly true if you notice a cyclical pattern of rejection that repeats itself in your life. 

Breast-feeding a baby in the dream

Some people find themselves breastfeeding babies in their dreams. 

It is a sign also that they have demonic babies in the spirit realm, and this blocks their chances of having children in the natural. 

Having a family in the dream

Some people are at a stage where they have spiritual children and a family with the spiritual spouse, and this is often reflected in their dreams. 

I once prayed for a woman who saw herself in dreams taking care of spiritual babies that appeared with inhuman features of snakes and frogs. 

She was struggling to get married because she had allowed herself to be a mother of a demonic family. 

Complicated child bearing problems

Some child bearing problems are an evidence of the work of spiritual spouses, especially when the complications defy medical science and are of a recurring nature. 

This is especially true when there is a spiritual spouse by whom the victim has spiritual children. 

Having a miscarriage after sexual dreams, for example, is a sure sign of the activity of a spiritual spouse against child bearing. 

As we have seen already, it is not the woman who is the victim all the time. Sometimes it is the man who may be struggling with issues like low sperm count among others. 

And also a spiritual spouse in your life may attack the sexuality of your actual spouse.

It is important then that couples seek to find solutions with blaming each other. This is spiritual warfare. 

(This teaching continues under the link below...)


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