Tuesday 15 November 2022



Throughout history, witchcraft and the casting of curses have been prevalent in various cultures and belief systems. The Bible, as the foundational text for Christians, provides guidance on navigating the spiritual realm and understanding the conditions under which they may be affected by curses of witchcraft. 

This teaching aims to explore the biblical perspective on the subject, shedding light on the conditions that may make a Christian susceptible to such curses and providing guidance on breaking free from their influence. The Bible provides clear guidance on the conditions under which a Christian can be affected by curses of witchcraft. But, it emphasizes the power of God to protect and deliver people from the influence of curses. 

By adhering to biblical principles, seeking repentance, living a life of righteousness, and embracing God's promises, believers can break free from the influence of these curses. It is essential to cultivate a deep relationship with God, relying on His strength and guidance to navigate the spiritual realm and live victoriously in Christ.


Witchcraft and curses have been part of human history and various cultural beliefs for centuries. Understanding these concepts can provide insight into their nature and impact. Witchcraft is the practice of manipulating supernatural forces for personal gain, often involving the practice of magic or sorcery, often involving the use of supernatural powers or invoking occult forces. 

Witchcraft involves rituals, spells, divination, and sometimes communication with spirits or deities. Different cultures have different understandings and practices related to witchcraft. Curses, in this context, refer to the deliberate invocation of harm or misfortune upon an individual or group through supernatural means. 

A curse is a form of malevolent intention or invocation aimed at causing harm or misfortune to a person or group. Curses are believed to harness supernatural powers to bring about negative effects in various aspects of life, such as health, relationships, or success. Curses can be spoken, written, or ritualized. 

The Bible strongly condemns these practices, emphasizing that believers should rely on God alone for protection and blessings. Witchcraft and curses are deeply rooted in the spiritual realm. They involve beliefs in unseen forces, energies, or entities that can influence human lives. 

Witchcraft and curses are often fueled by the intent of the practitioner. The belief is that the stronger the intent and focus, the more powerful the curse becomes. This highlights the importance of understanding the power of words, intentions, and spiritual influences. 

The practice of witchcraft and the casting of curses raises ethical questions and moral dilemmas. Witchcraft is a form of harmful manipulation. From a biblical standpoint, witchcraft and curses are contrary to God's will. The God of the Bible strongly condemns witchcraft and warns against its practices including cursing. 

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says, "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD." 

The bible makes it clear that the believer has been irrevocably blessed in the Abrahamic covenant and that there should be no effective witchcraft cursing of the believer. The believer in the Abrahamic covenant is so blessed that those who attempt to curse him willy nilly will actually take their own curses. 

Numbers 23:23 (LITV) says, "For there is not a spell against Jacob, nor any divination against Israel. Now it is said of Jacob and Israel, See what God has done!"

Genesis 12:2-3 says, "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

But this scripture is not necessarily saying that the believer can not be cursed. For he can under certain circumstances as revealed in the bible. Just think of it, if Balaam could not have effectively cursed the children of Israel; God would not gone an extra mile using an angel and enabling a donkey to speak just to stop him from doing so. 
Curses can have real spiritual consequences for believers if there is a justifiable cause.

Proverbs 26:2 (LITV) says, "As the wandering bird, as the swallow in its flying, so the causeless curse shall never come."


Involvement in Occult Practices

Engaging in occult practices, such as consulting mediums, divination, or participating in witchcraft rituals, opens the door for curses to affect a Christian. The Bible strictly forbids these practices (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) and warns believers to steer clear of them.

Unresolved Sin and Unforgiveness

Unconfessed sin and harboring unforgiveness in one's heart can create a spiritual vulnerability, making a Christian more susceptible to curses. The Bible urges believers to confess their sins and forgive others, seeking reconciliation and God's forgiveness (1 John 1:9, Matthew 6:14-15). Sins that make curses effectively stick on believers include;

Jacob was afraid of attracting a curse by lying before the law was given (Genesis 27:11-13)Peter the apostle condemned a lying couple to death for lying against the Holy Spirit, and they both died instantly (Acts 5:1-10).

Sexual immorality
A priest could effectively curse a promiscuous woman (Numbers 5:18-24, 27-28). Paul the apostle condemned a fornicating brother to death by "handing him over to satan" - and we all know satan works with the principles of witchcraft (primarily divination and sorcery) by which his false prophets and witches pronounce curses (1 Corinthians 5:1, 3-5).

Obedience to God's Word attracts blessings, disobedience attracts death (Deuteronomy 11:26-28). Disobeying the Holy Spirit in giving attracts a curse (Malachi 3:8-9). 

• Dishonouring Spiritual Authority
Mocking God's anointed servants attracts curses on the believer. Forty two children died after mocking the prophet due to his bald head (2 Kings 2:22-24). Disclosure of the weaknesses of your spiritual leader and/or father attracts a curse (Genesis 9:18-27).

• Unfaithfulness in Ministry
Serving God in ministry unfaithfully and stealing in the  church attracts a curse (Jeremiah 48:10, Zechariah 5:3-4).

Clashing with Greater Spiritual Authority
John the Baptist lost his head after failing to discern the Head of the body of Christ (Matthew 11:2-6, Matthew 14:6-11).

Mishandling Communion

Taking the Holy Communion unworthily with unconfessed sin attracts the sickness and death (1 Corinthians 11:27-32). 

Ignorance and Lack of Spiritual Discernment

Failing to recognize and address the spiritual realm can leave a Christian unaware of the curses that may be affecting their lives. Spiritual discernment and knowledge of God's Word are essential for identifying and combating the influence of witchcraft curses (Hosea 4:6).

Superinterpretation Of The Book of Revelation

Adding or removing anything from the words of the prophecy within the book of Revelation will make Christians who do so face consequences such as the plagues described in the book, and the removal of their part from the book of life and the holy city (Revelation  22:18).


The Bible teaches that Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Witchcraft curses are a manifestation of this spiritual battle. Understanding the nature of spiritual warfare and equipping oneself with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-18) is vital in breaking free from curses and walking in victory. 

As Christians, we believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Through His sacrifice, Christ has overcome the power of sin and the devil (Colossians 2:15). This means that believers have the authority to resist and overcome curses in Jesus' name (James 4:7). By placing our faith in Christ's finished work, we can appropriate His victory over witchcraft curses.

Repentance and Prayer

Genuine repentance for any involvement in occult practices, along with earnest prayer, is crucial in breaking free from the influence of curses. Confessing the sin, renouncing any connection with witchcraft, and seeking God's forgiveness can bring about spiritual healing and restoration.

Cleansing and Sanctification

The Bible emphasizes the importance of personal holiness and spiritual purity. Cleansing oneself from any involvement in occult practices, renouncing past ties to witchcraft, and dedicating one's life to God's service are essential steps towards breaking free from curses. This process of sanctification involves filling one's life with God's Word, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers (Romans 12:1-2, 1 Peter 2:9).

Walking in Righteousness

Living a life of righteousness and obedience to God's commandments is essential for believers. This includes abstaining from occult practices and embracing the teachings of the Bible. By doing so, Christians can experience God's protection and favor (Psalm 34:15-17, Proverbs 3:7-8).

Seeking Deliverance Ministry

In some cases, seeking assistance from experienced and spiritually mature individuals who can help in deliverance ministry can be helpful. These individuals can provide guidance, prayer support, and biblical counseling to help break free from the influence of witchcraft curses.

Embracing God's Promises

The Bible is filled with promises of protection, blessing, and victory for believers. Meditating on and declaring these promises can strengthen one's faith and provide spiritual armor against curses. Examples of such promises include Psalm 91, Isaiah 54:17, and Romans 8:37.

The Role of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is given to believers as a helper, guide, and source of power. Surrendering to the Holy Spirit's leading and relying on His strength is crucial in breaking free from the influence of curses. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to discern spiritual attacks, pray effectively, and walk in victory (John 16:13, Romans 8:26-27).

Healing and Restoration

In some cases, the influence of witchcraft curses may have caused physical, emotional, or spiritual harm. The Bible assures us that God is a healer and restorer (Psalm 103:2-3). Seeking inner healing through prayer, counseling, and the support of a faith community can aid in the process of overcoming the wounds inflicted by witchcraft curses.

Discerning and Guarding Against Spiritual Attacks 

Christians should be vigilant and discerning regarding spiritual attacks, including witchcraft curses. This involves being aware of the tactics of the enemy, testing all things against the truth of God's Word, and guarding one's heart and mind against negative influences (1 Thessalonians 5:21, Philippians 4:8).


A couple of years ago I was a junior pastor in a certain charismatic church in Harare CBD as a young man in my early twenties. I served for a few years and along the way our senior pastor had a crusade in a high density suburb. 

Seventeen people came to Christ in the crusade, a new church was planted in the community and I was assigned to shepherd the new assembly. In two weeks the congregation had tripled and from there my problems started. At a time the senior pastor traveled out of the country, I prayed for a church worker who had died and God raised him back to life. 

Unknown to me, the associate pastor felt threatened by my presence and mobilized the church leadership to make false allegations of abusing church funds against me, something I had never been accused of doing my whole life. 

When the senior pastor came back I was charged with the accusations without trial, and was put under undue discipline. I ended up having no choice but to leave the church in the course of time as I was frozen out of, and continuously castigated publicly in the church. 

When I approached the senior pastor asking for his blessing and release, he pronounced a curse instead. I was not worried much because I thought to myself that it would not affect me since I had done nothing wrong. 

Many years afterwards, towards the end of 2022, I was in prayer dealing with many setbacks and betrayals in my personal life and ministry; and I had a clear vision of the night in which the incident in which I was cursed replayed. A voice from above said, "The limitations you are facing in your life and ministry are coming from the curse, because when he said it he spoke under the anointing." 

When I woke up I prayed for about 30 minutes to an hour in the Spirit by speaking with other tongues, and the Holy Spirit directed me to a Man of God who is a brother in the Lord, to be prayed for. He prayed for me and within a year I am a witness of a tremendous change and blessings of God both in my personal life and in the ministry. Glory to God! 

Imagine that I was cursed by a pastor under the anointing and not by a witch, and it worked against me though I had done nothing wrong. My testimony is to encourage you to pursue your freedom from any curse against you!


While the Bible warns against the influence of witchcraft curses, it also assures believers of God's power to break free from their grip. By follicles biblical principles, seeking God's forgiveness, and embracing His promises, Christians can overcome the effects of witchcraft curses. 

It is essential to cultivate a deep relationship with God, relying on His strength and guidance to navigate the spiritual realm and live victoriously in Christ. In the Christian faith, believers are protected by the power and grace of God. 

While witches and practitioners of the occult may attempt to bring harm or place curses on individuals, it is important to remember that as followers of Christ, we are called to trust in God's sovereignty and protection. The Bible assures us in numerous passages that no weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17) and that God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1). 

It is crucial for believers to focus on their relationship with God, seeking His guidance and protection through prayer and faith. We are encouraged to put on the full armor of God, which includes the shield of faith, in order to withstand any spiritual attacks (Ephesians 6:10-18). 

Ultimately, our trust and dependence should be on the Lord, who is greater than any power of darkness (1 John 4:4). But, it is important to exercise discernment and avoid any involvement or fascination with occult practices, as they are explicitly condemned in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). 

We should seek spiritual guidance from God, engage in prayer, and surround ourselves with fellow believers who can provide support and encouragement in our faith journey. It is important to remember that each individual's journey and experiences may vary. 

Seeking guidance from trusted spiritual leaders, pastors, or counselors within a biblical framework can provide personalized support and insight in breaking free from witchcraft curses. Ultimately, placing one's faith in God's sovereignty, love, and power is the foundation for overcoming any spiritual attack and walking in the freedom and victory found in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Questions and more insights based on the Christian perspective of scripture interpreting scripture in a respectful dialogue are most welcome.


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