Monday 14 November 2022



There are various beliefs and concepts that captivate the human imagination. 

One such belief is the existence of spiritual spouses, supernatural entities known to engage intimately with individuals in the realm of dreams. 

These spiritual spouses, better known as demons, have long been a concern for those who face certain challenges in romantic relationships and marriages.

In this teaching, we look at spiritual spouses, exploring their identity, origins, and influence on human lives. 

Drawing from scriptures and historical sources, we aim to shed light on this concept and its implications for those who are affected by them. 

We examine spiritual spouses in two forms: the female demon who engages in sexual encounters with men in their dreams, and the male demon who preys upon sleeping women. 

We explore the historical and cultural roots of these realities, tracing their origins to ancient records of fallen angels and their forbidden unions with mortal beings, leading to their birth as a hybrid race of bastards known as the nephilim. 

We will explore the ways in which individuals acquire spiritual spouses ranging from visits to spiritual practitioners and witch doctors, to rituals involving goblins and gnomes. 

We discuss the various encounters individuals have with these spiritual spouses, such as unconscious or semi-conscious experiences, often using the faces of loved ones or familiar individuals to deceive and ensnare. 

We focus on a perspective rooted in biblical teachings, emphasizing the importance of spiritual warfare and the authority of believers in dispelling the influence of spiritual spouses. 

We will explore the concept of spiritual freedom and provide insights on how individuals can find liberation from the perceived bondage of these ethereal relationships. 

Take Note;

The views expressed in this teaching are based on Christian beliefs and the bible, and vast experience in applying them in deliverance by the author. 

At the time of the writing of this  teaching, they have worked effectively for everyone who applied them faithfully including individuals who had struggled to be set free for a very long time. 

Yet, it is crucial to highlight that the application and results depends upon the understanding and obedience of the reader.

The author is not liable for any challenges that may arise out of misapplication and misunderstanding of the teaching.


Spiritual spouses are demons responsible for marriage and sexual intercourse with human beings in dreams to spread the demonic race. 

These evil spirits have a male and female type. Isaiah speaks about a night creature and screech owl whose Hebrew name Lilith. 

Isaiah 34:14 (LITV) says, "The desert creatures shall also meet with the howlers; and the shaggy goat shall cry to his fellow. The screech owl shall also settle there, and find a place of rest for herself."

Lilith, also known as Lilit or Lilitu, is a female demonic figure in Jewish and Mesopotamian mythology. She is often referred to as the "night demon" or "night monster (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lilith-Jewish-folklore). 

She is often portrayed as a dangerous demon of the night, associated with sexual wantonness and the stealing of babies. 

Lilith appears in various Jewish sources, including the Babylonian Talmud and the Zohar.

The female type (called ‘succubus’ in Latin), is the demon that has sexual intercourse with a sleeping man in his dreams. 

It uses either the face of his wife or a female close to him. 

According to Wikipedia, ‘a succubus is a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. 

According to religious traditions, repeated sexual activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health, even death… 

When a human has intercourse with a demon over long amounts of time like a month, they will start feeling a need for more sex with the demon or go insane from how much life force they have lost. 

The succubus is also known as the earth wanderer, she seeks her victims by disguising herself as a young beautiful woman, seducing men.’ 

The male type called ‘incubus’ in Latin is the demon sleeps with a woman in her dreams. An incubus is a male demon who preys on women, especially while they are sleeping. 

They rape and impregnate women. The victim may wake during the rape, or may not know anything has happened until her health suddenly deteriorates as she hosts the incubus’ bloodsucking baby. 

According to the New World Encyclopedia, ‘the incubus drains energy from the woman on whom it lies in order to sustain itself…’  

This happens as somewhere in the past there was an evil marriage that took place between the person and the demon, with or without the person’s knowledge. 

Some people are married to spiritual spouses in the disguise of spiritual help when they visit witch doctors, spiritualists, and/or false ministers of the gospel. 

Others are given spiritual spouses as children (minors) through such ‘spiritual help’ by their parents. 

Some people are given goblins and/or gnomes from witch doctors as lucky charms for business, and when someone gets these spirits they ask for two things: blood and a spouse. 

The owner then calls the name of the victim before the spiritualist, and tells the spirit that the victim belongs to it. This normally causes the victim to dream wedding a faceless person. 

Witch doctors also assign an avenging spirit (demon) of someone (usually unmarried) who was killed by a member of the family of a murderer to claim that the women or men in the clan are theirs, or to claim an individual as since its spouse since the murdered person it represents was not given the chance to marry. 

Avenging spirits are evil spirits sent to seek revenge for some murder of a person, and insolved, during their lifetime. 

Some people get magical charms or love portions such as ‘mubobobo’ (a Shona charm for ‘remote-control sex’) from witch doctors, and use them as traditionally medicated means to sleep with someone feels for you sexually but cannot or will not approach you the normal way whilst he or she is awake or asleep. 

Mubobobo is the act of witchcraft by which a man gets a charm for the purposes of magic that gives him power to have sex with a woman without her consent and without any contact. This is earned mubobobo the nickname ‘bluetooth sex” or “wireless sex”.

There are two types of mubobobo. The first type is practiced in broad daylight where the female victim, feels sexually aroused in a public place as if someone having sex with her. 

The second type of mubobobo is at night where the female victim dreams of sexual intercourse taking place near her by people or animals, or sees a man masturbating.

Some women are accused of using mubobobo on unsuspecting males too, it is not just men who use it. Such charms are powered to operate by the male and female demons. 

The issue of sexual relations between human beings started with fallen angels who lusted after women and married them, which resulted in the birth of the giant race of demons known in Hebrew as the ‘nephilim.'

Gen 6:1-6 (NIV) says, "When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled."

The sons of God (Hebrew ‘Bene Elohim’) who fathered the Nephilim were angels. In the Old Testament it is angels only who were sons of God (Job 1:6; 38:7). 

The apostle Peter calls them ‘the spirits in prison, who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in the days of Noah (1Pe 3:19, 20). 

Jude also speaks of them as ‘the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place’ (Jude 6). 

The Hebrew ‘nephilim’ means ‘fellers; those who cause (others) to fall down.’ It stems from the Hebrew verb ‘naphalʹ’ for ‘fall.’ The Nephilim were the famous ‘heroes’ or ‘mighty ones’ (from Hebrew ‘haggibborim’ for ‘giants.’ 

The Ancient Greek translation of nephilim is ‘daimon’ or ‘daimónion’ which is ‘demon’ in English. So demons are not fallen angels, but are the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human beings. 

And the demons that pose as spiritual spouses do so to continue producing more demons using humans. The hybrid offspring of the union between a demon and a human being is called a cambion. 

A cambion is a renowned demonic offspring of a succubus and an incubus. To create a cambion, a succubus demon must extract the semen of a man in his sleep, and then pass on the sperm to an incubus demon, which then transfers the semen to a sleeping woman, who becomes pregnant. 

A succubus demon is a seducing spirit, and it extracts the semen of a man while he is awake by seducing him to masturbate through lustful meditation. 

An incubus demon can also impregnate a woman who is awake by seducing her to masturbate. Masturbation is the sin by which humans willingly help birth demons. 

While the Bible does not openly mention masturbation, there are a few passages that provide guidance on matters related to sexual conduct and self-control. 

One such passage is the story of Onan in the book of Genesis. Onan was instructed by his father to fulfill his duty to his deceased brother's wife by producing offspring with her. 

But, Onan spilled his seed on the ground instead of fulfilling his duty. His action was seen as a great sin and he was condemned to death for it. 

Genesis 38:8-10 (BBE) says, "Then Judah said to Onan, Go in to your brother's wife and do what it is right for a husband's brother to do; make her your wife and get offspring for your brother. But Onan, seeing that the offspring would not be his, went in to his brother's wife, but let his seed go on to the earth, so that he might not get offspring for his brother. And what he did was evil in the eyes of the Lord, so that he put him to death, like his brother."

In this story it is a clear that God disapproves any form of sexual activity that does not result in procreation, including masturbation. 

Propagation of the cambion demons is such an important assignment to spiritual spouses such that they teach false ministers of the gospel to forbid those who leaders in their churches (such as priests/monks and sisters/nuns) from getting married so they are readily available for the demons.

They forbid their church members from eating some meats like pork so that their bodies are in good condition for demonic use.

1Ti 4:1-3 says, "But the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and teachings of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, being seared in their own conscience, forbidding to marry, and to abstain from meats which God has created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.”

(This teaching is continued under the link below...)


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